THE FAMOUS FIVE OT: Fünf Freunde | Feature Film | 2012 The world´s most famous Five are brought to the big screen! The FAMOUS FIVE, George, Julian, Dick, Anne and their dog Timmy spend their first holidays together and plunge headlong into an exciting adventure when...
WINDSTORM OT: OSTWIND | Feature Film | 2013 Together we are free Mika (Hanna Binke) is in a rage. Not only did she fail her final exams but she and her best friend Fanny managed to set her teachers car on fire! Accidentally of course, but that doesn’t prevent her...
THE FAMOUS FIVE 2 OT: Fünf Freunde 2 | Feature Film | 2013 The world´s most famous Five plunge into their next adventure! Summer holidays are finally here! The Famous Five, George, Julian, Dick, Anne and their dog Timmy set out on their first journey by bike on their...
THE FAMOUS FIVE 3 Kinofilm | 2014 Die berühmtesten Freunde der Welt in ihrem größten Abenteuer! Kokospalmen, weiße Sandstrände und kristallklares Wasser – eigentlich steht ein entspannter Badeurlaub auf dem Programm. Doch kaum sind George, Julian , Dick, Anne und...
THE FAMOUS FIVE 4 Feature Film | 2015 The world´s most famous Five in adventurous Egypt! Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne, organises an exhibition on ancient Egypt. During a private visit the kids, together with their faithful dog Timmy, disturb a burglar...